Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Stuff I Read and Liked v.2

I'm waiting for clothes to finish in the dryer and letting videos play on my devices while the Atlanta Hawks kick butt have me biting my nails. So, I thought I'd check my Bloglovin' subscriptions, browse around, share some of what I read and liked. ;)

Runs for Cookies shares what habit changes she made to lose weight. I need to pay attention to this. I've had success by changing habits here and there before, I can do it again!

A Cup of Jo shares a delicious looking recipe for a Strawberry and Spinach Salad. I was like, "no thanks" at first but, seriously, just go look at it. You'll probably change your mind just like I did. I'm fighting the urge to go to the grocery store right this minute.

Cupcakes and Cashmere shares 9 links she loves from around the web. I did the name thing. Ava would be what my parents would have named me in this day and time. Which is very funny because I love that name and had it as a "wish" name for a "not happening future kiddo" once upon a time.

I hope you enjoy those few quick reads as much as I did. One way you could enjoy them more is with a little pampering. *wink wink*

WAHM Wednesday - WHILE

Today is tween's birthday. It was also her field day and little's honor's day. I was able to attend both. Now, I'm sitting beside tween on the couch watching a movie WHILE I work online. Granted, I'm not making what some of you ladies are out there making in conventional careers, I'm on a roll today with some surveys. I should be able to at the least make thirty to forty bucks today. WHILE I watch tv. WHILE I enjoy time with my family. That's good stuff right there.
Right now I have one program (I will be highlighting that one next week) running on my tablet, SBTV playing on my phone (learn about that here) and getting ready to do more surveys and clicks on Clixsense (more on that here).

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Top Ten Reasons - I Love The Healer Stick!

So, once again, I will remind you that I am a Perfectly Posh Independent Consultant but only because I truly love the products. I was a satisfied thrilled customer first. One of the first products I got was a Healer Stick. This little baby rocks!

1. I have had a rash on the under side of my lower arms and elbows for years. Multiple diagnosis' and multiple prescriptions given, none worked. Much money spent on OTC lotions and creams, again, none worked. THIS works! I honestly believe it's due to it being non-clogging and just all around wonderful.
2. Totally made an oops and got sunburned. This was so much more soothing on my burn than aloe has ever been. I'm healing faster, too!
3. I have puppies. They have little claws. They love to jump on us. A swipe of this over scratches stops any irritation or itch and heals the scratch very quickly.
4. Papercut, take THIS! 
5. I have a one year old scar going all the way down my torso from an emergency gallbladder removal. In just a few weeks, it's lightened from a dark purple to a pale pink scar. I'm going to continue usage on it as I've seen it nearly fade scars completely on people!
6. I'm a mom, I have my tiger stripes. Similar to reason number 5, they itch sometimes and are a dark purple. Mine are eleven years old and aren't fading very quickly, but in only a couple weeks, I'm noticing some fading AND they no longer itch!
7. I have no reservations about slathering myself or my kiddos in this. It's natural based, duh.
8. Seriously, ANY dry or itchy spot... begone!
9. It's AFFORDABLE! It's a large size stick (think twice the width and much taller than a chapstick) for only $13... that's TOTALLY doable!
10. It's versatile and because of all those reasons above, it's a go-to item in my household. It really is a little healer. Fixes SO many things! I have even used it to tame a few fly-away hairs in a pinch!

You can get YOUR Healer Stick here. (until December 2015)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

WAHM Wednesday - Swagbucks

I've been using Swagbucks for years. It's great especially around the holidays to earn extra money in your paypal or for gift cards to purchase gifts with. Some make more by shopping through their affiliate links and participating in offers but I just do a few free offers, surveys occasionally and watch videos.

Join Swagbucks and if you need any help, let me know.

Here's my post on Clixsense.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Under Wonder! Girl, you so smooth!

Wrinkles and fine lines and pores, oh my! Wrinkles and fine lines and pores, oh my! Wrinkles and fine lines and pores, oh my! Wrinkles and fine lines and pores, oh my!
Shh, dear, it's okay. Under Wonder is here to save the day (and your face!)
This goes on under your foundation to prime your face and give you a smooth canvas to apply your makeup onto.
This might be one of those NEEDS in a gal's collection.
Guess what? It's on sale this week!

Get one! (link good until December 2015)

Stuff I Read and Liked v.1

Though I'm generally off my rocker, sometimes I get back on my rocker and do some reading. I'm finding some blogs I enjoy following and found a few posts that inspired me this weekend.

1. It Sux To Be Fat - Summer is Coming!
    Jennifer totally terrified scared shocked floored me when I read past her first happy paragraph about a happy mother's day and onto her realization that *gasp* summer is almost upon us. Nooo. Not yet!! I'm not ready! *pouts* So, she highlighted a pretty cool game/program that I'm considering checking out as motivation to get my booty in gear.

2. gh0st parties - A Sunday Well Spent
    Just go look at her makeup organization. Jealous? YES! Motivated? OH YES! Maybe I will in turn have a Monday well spent. I need to organize my makeup like, last year.

3. Into The Gloss - How Do You Deal With Anxiety?
    Because I love when people openly discuss the reality of anxiety whether it's on a large, earthquake scale or on a "where'd I sit my keys?" scale. The comments are a good read also.

So, that's what got me tonight as I read through my Bloglovin' follows. Got something that inspired you? Share it in the comments. I wanna read it, too!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Today was a good day.

It truly was. Nothing over-the-top, spectacular, crazy happened but it was grand. Simple. Church, lunch with my folks, 90's music with the windows down with my tweenie, dinner with my guy and my little, relaxing and watching a movie and now, catching up online after a weekend of trying to stay a little unplugged.
I love simple days filled with heart smiles and the best little moments like that.
I hope everyone had a great day as well.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Too Cute For Words (But I Will Try!) Citrus Lane

Okay, so I don't want to get too over share-y of products but I can't resist this one. Most of their stuff is too "young" for my little and my tweenie, but I'm super tempted to go ahead and consider getting the cute tea apron for little or maybe the housekeeping set to encourage both girls to clean up their playroom (yeah, right!)
It appears you can get a subscription box or just order specific items.
<img src="" />

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Ten Favorite Uses for Coconut Oil- Posh Life!

My introduction to coconut oil has been through skin care only thus far. It's very versatile in that category alone! I LOVE my Posh Life Coconut Oil. Yes, I am a Perfectly Posh Independent Consultant, but I don't have to shout to the masses how much I LOVE it if I don't really. I'm never going to tell anyone I like something if I don't. This is a more solid oil that melts as you rub it in. It smells delightful.

  1. Dry Ends- I like to rub a little into my fingers then lightly go through the ends of my hair to give a softer look. I color my hair regularly, so the ends often look brittle or dry. 
  2. Eye Makeup Remover- It really breaks up my mascara and moisturizes my sensitive skin as I gently rub in light circles around my (closed!) eyes. I usually do this before cleansing and masking.
  3. Dry Scalp- I get dry and occaisionally itchy patches on top of my scalp and a little dab of this helps a ton!
  4. Stretch Marks- Some have had the luck after long term uses to have their marks actually begin to fade, but I use another product that is helping with that more. However, they itch sometimes, more than my other skin. This fixes that in a jiffy. AND makes me smell good. DOUBLE WIN!
  5. Dishwater Hands- I'll use a little on my hands before washing dishes to prevent so much damage from occuring then follow with The Healer Stick and some Big Fat Yummy Hand Cream or Skindelicious after I am done to look like those gals with automatic dishwashers.
  6. Ashy Legs Begone!- Nothing makes my skin (and tattoos!) glow like a layer of this after a shower. Ooooh! Shiny! 
  7. Purse Conditioner- Use this at your own risk. I tried it on a small bag and it made the leather shine like new and smell amazing too! Because your purse deserves pampering, too.
  8. Frizz and Fly Aways- A little goes a long way is definitely the key here. Seriously. Just a touch on your finger rubbed into your hands then use your hands to smooth down your hair. Once more, it'll make you smell amazing as well. :)
  9. Nighttime Rubdown- Massage time! Even if ya gotta massage yourself. The Skin Vixen Dry Oil is great for this too. My skin stays ridiculously dry and this packs a little more of the hydrating punch I need.
  10. Smelling Good- Did I mention how great this particular oil smells? Oh. Only three times? Well, here's the fourth. Just to make a point of it. It's not overpowering but it is a noticeable fresh and delightful scent.
If you think you might want to try it (you do, you know you do!) I'm going to insert some shameless self-plugging here and give you my link. Feel free to comment any questions you may have! 
Get Posh with Sarah (until December 2015- if you'd like to have your Perfectly Posh link here, let me know)

WAHM Wednesday - Clixsense

I use a few different PTC (paid-to-click) sites to generate a few extra pennies from time to time. Clixsense has been a no-brainer go-to for me. They've never failed to pay me. Unlike many others, there are several opportunities to earn without doing those risky "free" trials and it's a user-friendly site.

Above, you will see a screenshot of my account summary. There were probably three 3-7 month periods that I did NOTHING on here, so that's why it shows I've been a member for so long but have a low lifetime earnings. The list you see on the right hand side is key to earning the most on this site, and also helps you navigate easier. I will personally help you as much as I can with getting started on there if you are interested. Just shoot me a message in the comments. My referral link is if you'd be so kind as to allow me to be your referrer.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Follow me on Bloglovin'!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I use Bloglovin to follow my favorite blogs and I hope you will add me on there as well!

Happy National Orange Juice Day!

Apparently, May 4th is National Orange Juice Day. There's a day for everything, I suppose. I looked at a list of random food holidays and even saw Chocolate Custard Day. Seriously? However, I do love me some OJ from time to time, so I may have to celebrate this one.

In most cases, a glass of typical store bought orange juice is gonna have about the same sugar as that soda you're craving and you'll get more nutrients actually EATING an orange, so I wouldn't boast of it's healthiness exactly. I've read before that when you juice an orange instead of eating it you still get some of the vitamins but miss out on some of the fibers and other nutrients. I don't care too much for eating them myself (yuck, strings in my teeth!) but I will from time to time.
For yumminess reasons though, when I drink a glass of OJ I usually grab one that's got other flavors or juices added like, mango or banana. 
Anyways, I guess it's like everything else seems to be... moderation is key? LOL
Drink up! Happy OJ Day ya'll!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Random Things About Me

Why not let you get to know me a little better? Maybe you'll agree I'm off my rocker or maybe we will have something in common.

1. I was born in 1984.
2. I grew up in the metro Atlanta area.
3. I played with Pogs.
4. I was raised in a Baptist church.
5. I have volunteered time for pro life organizations.
6. I believe life begins at conception.
7. I don't like identifying as Republican or Democrat. I just vote for who I think will do the job best.
8. I love country music, Gospel music, pop music, rock music and hip hop music. Generally, in that order.
9. I have always been a cat person but I do love my doggies!
10. I have panic disorder and GADD.

Spring Brunch DOWN HOME

Spring Brunch DOWN HOME

Friday, May 1, 2015

She's Setting Goals - May 2015

New habit I'm going to start incorporating and now that I'm blogging again, maybe it will help remind me to stay motivated and stick to it.

(May contain affiliate linkage.)

1. Meet my 15 day and 30 day goals with Posh.
2. Lose 10 lbs.
3. Go fishing.
4. Make sure my kid has a great birthday.
5. Reorganize clothes and closets.

That's reachable. 
What are your goals? 
Comment and link up!

She's off her rocker? What's that about?

It caught your attention, though, didn't it? Otherwise you would be staring at some other page on your screen. 
Basically, it's a saying I've heard all my life referring, in a slightly humorous and southern way, that a woman had gone mad. Bonkers. Slap silly.
I'll tell you a little secret I learned from both life experience and from the treasured adventures of Alice in Wonderland... all the best people ARE off their rockers.
It also fits into my life as a stay-at-home mom/work-at-home mom. Some think we just sit on our boo-hineys all day eating candy and watching soaps. Ha! Okay. Watch me.
So I'm off my rocker. I have a voice and I intend on letting it roar.